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CENTROPE is a joint initiative of the Austrian Federal Provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, the Czech Region of South Moravia, the Slovak Regions of Bratislava and Trnava, the Hungarian Counties of Győr-Moson-Sopron and Vas as well as the Cities of Bratislava, Brno, Eisenstadt, Győr, Sopron, St. Pölten, Szombathely and Trnava. On the basis of the Kittsee Declaration of 2003, they work jointly towards the creation of the Central European Region in this four-country quadrangle.

CENTROPE CAPACITY is the lead project funded under the EU programme CENTRAL EUROPE. In the period until 2012 it aims to create a multilateral, binding and sustainable framework for the cooperation of local and regional authorities, enterprises and public institutions in the Central European Region. Specific goals consist in creating of polycentric cooperation framework which should allow all the partners to work jointly and more effectively on the cross border issues. Project also offers them new tools for a balanced spatial development as well as integrated development strategy and action plan. CENTROPE CAPACITY builds on the results of two INTERREG IIIA projects concluded in 2007, which provided the necessary preparatory work and development steps to establish the Central European Region CENTROPE.