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adv. 1 away from a centre or axis 2 using centrifugal force 3 in a centrifuge

Usage examples of "centrifugally".

In the course of some hours this minute bit of meat, from having been brought into contact with some of the glands of the central disc, acted centrifugally on the outer tentacles, which all became closely inflected.

That the central glands, if irritated, send centrifugally some influence to the exterior glands, causing them to send back a centripetal influence inducing aggregation, is perhaps the most interesting fact given in this chapter.

But why the impulse proceeding from the glands of the exterior rows of tentacles tends to travel laterally and towards the centre of the leaf, but not centrifugally, is by no means clear.

But there is one important difference: when the central glands are irritated, they transmit centrifugally an influence up the pedicels of the exterior tentacles to their glands.

Zor watched her from the sidelines, as she allowed herself to be turned in circles in an endless variety of ways-upside-down here, centrifugally there, backwards, forwards, and sideways.

The cloud is vented sand being expelled after the spice has been centrifugally removed.

As I clung to the tank by its base, the far end of it swung out centrifugally, and the matter in it was drawn by that same force into space.

Immediately one of the gunships at the rear of their formation dove, curved back the way they had come in a centrifugally perfect arc, and raked the treeline with rocket and minigun fire.