n. hairstyle where the hair is separated down the middle.
Usage examples of "centre parting".
Her hair, thick and platinum-coloured, brown at the roots, fell from a centre parting.
I took her gently by the two braids of hair that depended from that oddly attractive centre parting, and kissed her on the lips.
Mouse-brown hair with a centre parting hung lankly down to his ears.
Jean wore a new round-necked, sleeveless, button-through tailored dress in tangerine linen, one small gold ear-ring, the one she hadn't lost, and a centre parting.
It had a centre parting and had been plastered down so severely that it looked as though it had been painted on his head.
The way all that pretty would-be-curly hair was dragged back from the centre parting and clamped into those hard-looking plaits on the nape of her neck, leaving her brow so naked and so much too big for the small face.
He was short and stout and florid, with an impertinent-looking moustache, and hair that was very smooth and oily save for two tight curls, which looked like the horns of a young goat, on each side of the centre parting.