n. (context cytology biochemistry English) A protein complex associated with RacGAP (Rac GTPase activating protein, which shuts down nearby Rac) and RhoGEF (which activates nearby Rho) and a kinesin, playing a key role in the formation of the central spindle in mitosis
Centralspindlin is a motor complex implicated in cell division. It contributes to virtually every step in Cytokinesis, It is highly conserved in animal cells as a component of the spindle midzone and midbody. Centralspindlin is required for the assembly of the mitotic spindle as well as for microtubule bundling and anchoring of midbody microtubules to the plasma membrane. This complex is also implicated in tethering the spindle apparatus to the plasma membrane during cytokinesis This interaction permits cleavage furrow ingression. In addition, centralspindlin's interaction with the ESCRT III allows for abscission to occur.