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central american

a. Of or pertaining to Central America n. A native or inhabitant of Central America

Usage examples of "central american".

He explored the Central American coast and was marooned for a year in Jamaica because his wooden vessels had been thoroughly rotted by shipworm.

Four of them for some reason struck the Great Pyramids in Cairo and another half dozen were targeted on deserted areas in the Central American jungle.

Okay, pal, I'll wire back an evaluation report that'll get you transferred to Central American demolitions until your time's up - if you last that long.

The invasion force had been formed by combining several American, Canadian, and Central American commands.

The South and Central American countries were predominantly Catholic.

A lone soldier of fortune who owned a Maxim or Vickers machine gun, could gather a handful of followers and defeat a Central American army.

We built up a chrono with false names and Central American bios so far removed from Paris that no one could make a connection.