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a. (alternative form of centremost English)

Usage examples of "centermost".

Shining Ones, according to the Corteum, are the Central Race, the original race of beings that evolved in the centermost galaxy of the universe.

However, it is only within the centermost universe that the children of time may experience the spokes of identity and the supremacy of their convergence.

In a genetic sense, your interior, subatomic architecture becomes more adaptable and accommodating to the frequencies of energy that emanate from the centermost section of the Grand Universe.

Briana stepped back, keeping her eyes on the centermost, while remaining aware of the other two.

Bench, bent his neck so he could see the judge called Handel peering at him from the centermost throne.

Fontaine replaced the handset on the cradle a blossom of fire erupted from the centermost gun.

And walked back alongside the wagons, watching where the man went, up the steps into the centermost of that little cluster.

This settled, and in the centermost part between them it thickened into a wavery figure.

Farree clung to the ladder, wedging himself as best he could to the centermost part of it where the steps were the widest.

Wife knew as soon or sooner, for she smiled thin-eyed at him over her shoulder from where she towered at the centermost oven.

Ilisidi sitting centermost, Cenedi and his men occupying the corner, standing.

The dragon and bird mounts flashed in the sunlight centermost, hovering slowly backward.

To my sight they were as ever, round yellow gems, with only the thread of darkness in their centermost point to suggest that they were not the stone they resembled.

With a circle of light illuminating the floor about them, they walked to its centermost part.

The centermost sor cerer in the line fell transfixed by a half-dozen Veirtu ar rows.