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n. (plural of Centaur English)

Usage examples of "centaurs".

He felt less comfortable to discover that a spear held by one of the centaurs was the cause.

He stood facing the centaur as he noticed that more centaurs were similarly taking captive other people around him.

They, too, had their problems as the centaurs holding them at spear point were doing much the same.

He knew he could shoot and hit five or six of the centaurs easily before they could react.

Other people were beside Steve a moment later with more centaurs at their backsides holding spears against them.

Steve and the others found themselves surrounded and held in a corral of circling centaurs while more people from the town climbed down.

Steve stared numbly at John, then around at other people who were being assisted onto the backs of the centaurs before it fully sank in that they were being offered rides.

None of them, like himself, dared let go since other centaurs with spears were behind them.

Steve noticed the lights hitting the first centaurs and reflecting off in scattered, smaller rays of red.

Had they noticed the deteriorating condition of the gel on the centaurs, they might have fully understood the reason for hurrying.

Then suddenly the centaurs slowed to a gallop and then to a walk as the cohorts reached terrain that limited the lasers and favored them.

Steve noticed that the centaurs face showed some concern upon seeing how Steve was standing in noticeable pain.

Only then did the centaurs open other sacks carried on the backs of some of the warriors to take out food.

Mayor Grean asked as the people began walking once more between rows of centaurs for an unknown destination somewhere across the plain.

John asked as he found himself beside her near the back of the group as they continued to trudge to wherever the centaurs were taking them.