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n. (plural of centauroid English)

Usage examples of "centauroids".

Quagmire, from the edge of the nearby rain forest a small group of centauroids unlike any the BHHEI mission had encountered in nine months of study watched quietly.

The centauroids, on the other hand, were fascinated by the decomposing foodstuffs in the composters.

The way the centauroids attended each other, their evident communication, their use of tools--at least some of which were made rather than found--indicated to him that they had some form of intelligence.

Kill all armed centauroids, kill all who are bigger than people, and kill the smallest ones.

When the Master saw the central group of centauroids begin to break up, he ordered the attack.

The monsters worked them hard, thought them ideal pack-animals, loaded them with burdens that weighed more than the centauroids did.

The two Masters stood in the lee of a porch roof, watching the centauroids struggle under their burdens.

Thoroughly disoriented as well as weakened, the freed centauroids swam across the river and wandered into the forest.

Two Junior Leaders watched the centauroids leaving, growled at each other, then went to the Senior Master with a proposal.

They followed the centauroids across the river and began hunting them.

Masters stood in the lee of a porch roof, watching the centauroids struggle under their burdens.

Junior Leaders watched the centauroids leaving, growled at each other, then went to the Senior Master with a proposal.

The spear-bearing headless centauroids, eaten by curiosity and driven by anger, scampered after the Dragons.

He raised all shields and watched as the centauroids focused on his face.