n. (context legal English) (abbreviation of central English)
Usage examples of "cent.".
Governor had seen wheat at two dollars and five cents in the year of the Turko-Russian War!
By applying your schedule of rates we would not earn a cent; we would be bankrupt.
Do you mean to say that twenty million dollars is seven per cent. of the original cost of the road?
Bonneville, where it is consigned, but has got to go up to San Francisco first BY WAY OF Bonneville, at forty cents per ton and then be reshipped from San Francisco back to Bonneville again at FIFTY-ONE cents per ton, the short-haul rate.
Naturally, the tenants of these lands feel an interest in the price which the railroad will put upon its holdings, and it is rumoured they expect the land will be offered to them for two dollars and fifty cents per acre.
Seven per cent. of that capital for four years--you can figure it out.
I say two per cent. Why, Lord love you, it will pay a good deal more than that.
Both Lyman and Darrell were pledged to an average ten per cent. cut of the grain rates throughout the entire State.
All his calculations as to a profit on his little investment he had based on a freight rate of two cents a pound.
My orders are to raise your rate to five cents, and I think you are getting off easy.
Pledged as were your commissioners to an average ten per cent. reduction in rates for the carriage of grain by the Pacific and Southwestern Railroad, we have rigidly adhered to the demands of our constituency, we have obeyed the People.
Mayfield and Oakland, for instance, has been reduced by twenty-five cents a ton.
Helena rate fifty cents, and please notice the very drastic cut from Red Bluff, north, along the Oregon route, to the Oregon State Line.
You see, if I had a photoengraving plant of my own, I could do a good deal of outside jobbing as well, and the investment would pay ten per cent. But it takes money to make money.
Minna had been allowed such reprieve as her thirty-five cents would purchase.