n. (cell division English)
Usage examples of "cell divisions".
On average, humans suffer one fatal malignancy for each 100 million billion cell divisions.
Nabdullah, 2054) that extremophiles under worsening conditions react to the stress by slowing metabolisms to rates in which cell divisions occur less than once a century.
Every cell in your body arises by successive cell divisions from a single cell, a fertilized egg generated by your parents.
Obviously, this means a finite number of cell divisions before the chromosomes turn into old shoelaces.
The resulting embryos were frozen after two or three cell divisions, with a DNA sample taken from each.
After a certain number of cell divisions, telomeres would shorten, renĀ.
The ship had contracted, necks reduced in length, tail and nose become blunt nubbins, grooves indenting the circumference of the second homeball like the cell divisions of a blastula.
His body had matured fast, with fewer cell divisions, hence fewer total cells.