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n. (plural of celebrant English)

Usage examples of "celebrants".

Here, it would ruin the effect, making the celebrants seem like children costumed for Halloween rather than impressive bringers of the Truth.

Five or six celebrants, who looked to be children, and nearly naked, had broken from the front of the procession and were strewing a path of leaves or petals between their lord and the threshold.

There was little sign of activity until the middle of the afternoon, when the first of the celebrants arrived, slipping out of a car, crossing the sidewalk fast, and disappearing down a flight of steps that led below ground level.

The celebrants simply moved in the cradle of light as if drifting in some collective dream.

He cast the dressing aside and continued to advance towards the cradle, expecting one of the celebrants to look his way at any moment.

The blood of one of the murdered celebrants, spilled liberally from head and heart, threw up a lilac light from its pools, like the phosphorescence of something rotted.

Some of the celebrants had come out into the open air to get a better look at the Heights and exchange theories as to what was at hand.

Threading their way among snoring celebrants, trying not to blunder onto drooling Faces or disarrang'd Skirts, they go outside, and together piss in the Snow.