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a. Facing or directed toward the ceiling. adv. Toward the ceiling.

Usage examples of "ceilingward".

Everyone flinched as it soared ceilingward, emitting a miniature sonic boom and exploding in size until it had tripled, quadrupled its dimensions.

Steam carouseled ceilingward, sucked out through recycling vents to be recondensed and reused.

Her eyes flicked ceilingward, but the presumed escapees were nowhere to be found hanging from the smooth interior ceiling of the dome.

Had either of them been in any imminent danger, she would have spread her wings and risen ceilingward, assuming a defensive posture.

Hector McDarroch, on the other hand, seemed to take a pleasure in showing off his grisly implements, filling the long-needled syringe right in front of my eyes and squirting the cocaine ceilingwards a few times before he started on me.