Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1892 (implied in cavitated), back-formation from cavitation. Related: Cavitating.
vb. (context science English) To form vapour bubbles in a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls below its vapour pressure.
Usage examples of "cavitate".
But I did not dream that, with full premeditation, they would pull the cavitated moon down upon themselves.
But I did not dream that, with full premeditation, they would pull the cavitated moon down upon themselves.
The engine shrieked and the stern sagged as the propeller cavitated and then bit into the water.
He did not see the Thalassa launch that pulled away from the island, pitching and yawing, the outboard cavitating with each plunge as it struggled toward the boarding hatch on the far side of the Cerberus.
He sees a few rounds plunging into the water around him, leaving trails of bubbles as the water cavitates in their wake, slowing virtually to a stop in just a meter or two, then turning downwards and sinking like bombs.
The suddenly increased noise of her cavitating screws was discernible to several sonobuoys and Pharris's tactical sonar.