Crossword clues for cavers
n. (plural of caver English)
Cavers may refer to:
Usage examples of "cavers".
And it was galling to the priest that young Basque cavers, boys who should have chosen their idols from the ranks of the priesthood, told stories of his spelunking exploits and of the time he had crossed with Le Cagot into Spain and broken into a military prison in Bilbao to release ETA prisoners.
I have decided that all cavers are mad, save of course for Basque cavers, in whom what is madness for others is a manifestation of bravery and thirst for adventure.
There were stories of cavers who had stepped into swallows while wading through underground rivers.
But like all folk narratives, they reflected real dreads, and for most cavers in these mountains the nightmare of the sudden swallow is more eroding to the nerves than thoughts of falling while scaling walls, or avalanches, or even being underground during an earthquake.
One of the young cavers stretched his legs out with a satisfied grunt and declared that this was the life.
The embroidered gauntlet of the Percy is in the possession of Douglas of Cavers to this day.
In time the word spread amongst the tight community of deep cavers that there was no point in making the long climb up to Gouffre Port-de-Larrau, when there was so much better caving to be had in the vast gouffre field above Ste.