vb. (present participle of cauterise English)
Usage examples of "cauterising".
General considerations--Vicia faba, effects of amputating the tips of the radicles--Regeneration of the tips--Effects of a short exposure of the tips to geotropic action and their subsequent amputation--Effects of amputating the tips obliquely--Effects of cauterising the tips--Effects of grease on the tips--Pisum sativum, tips of radicles cauterised transversely, and on their upper and lower sides--Phaseolus, cauterisation and grease on the tips--Gossypium--Cucurbita, tips cauterised transversely, and on their upper and lower sides--Zea, tips cauterised--Concluding remarks and summary of chapter--Advantages of the sensibility to geotropism being localised in the tips of the radicles.
In coming to a conclusion with respect to the effects of cauterising the tips of these radicles, we should bear in mind, firstly, that horizontally extended control radicles were always acted on by geotropism, and became somewhat bowed downwards in 8 or 9 h.
Only the autosurgeon continued working unperturbed, making smooth incisions and cauterising wounds with abrupt little sizzlings.
Vicia faba, circumnutation of radicle, 29, 30 --, of epicotyl, 3133 --, curvature of hypocotyl, 92 --, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 132134 --, of the tips of secondary radicles, 154 --, of the primary radicle above the apex, 155158 --, various experiments, 135143 --, summary of results, 143151 --, power of an irritant on, compared with that of geotropism, 151154 Vicia faba, circumnutation of leaves, 233235 --, circumnutation of terminal leaflet, 235 --, effect of apogeotropism, 444 --, effect of amputating the tips of radicles, 523 --, regeneration of tips, 526 --, short exposure to geotropic action, 527 --, effects of amputating the tips obliquely, 528 --, of cauterising the tips, 529 --, of grease on the tips, 534 Vines, Mr.
The other laid the red-hot tip of a dagger he had heated in a mangal, a cremation brazier, across the little stump, cauterising the wound and instantly staunching the flow of blood.
This explanation of the occasional irregular growth of radicles with amputated tips, is supported by the results of cauterising their tips.
It is now designated time line eleven, and is a nasty enough place that the Circle put it in the Someday File for cleaning or cauterising when we get around to it.