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The Collaborative International Dictionary

caulked \caulked\ adj.

  1. having cracks and crevices stopped up with a filler such as caulk. Contrasted with uncaulked. [Narrower terms: weather-stripped]

    Syn: calked, chinked, stopped-up.

  2. having the seams between planks packed with waterproof material; -- of boats and ships.

    Syn: calked.


alt. (en-past of: caulk) vb. (en-past of: caulk)

  1. adj. having cracks and crevices stopped up with a filler [ant: uncaulked]

  2. having the seams between planks packed with waterproof material

Usage examples of "caulked".

She had caulked the wood with fresh frag sap, learning that it did quite well if applied in many thin coats and allowed to dry between.

It must have caught on something—perhaps the edge of a single barnacle, or a caulked gap between planks.

Jack tossed the letter for safe-keeping into the caulked trunk that contained van Hoek’s books, and re-sealed it.

Little by little with the air, light and nourishment, his fissured body was becoming caulked and strengthened.

It flourished in the ventilation system and the filters are so caulked up that I doubt we will be able to cleanse them sufficiently to take off again.

She had caulked it with mud two breakups earlier and reinforced it with some plasti her cousin Simon had scrounged for her at the SpaceBase when he first joined the corps, before he shipped out.

They could be patched with wood whittled to size and pounded in, caulked with—well, caulked with something or other.

A rather small number of books—tiny student octavo volumes of the usual Continental savants, their margins and interlinear spaces now caulked with his notes.

Two open boats are now thudding against Minerva’s hull: the ship’s own longboat, freshly caulked and painted, and the pirate whaler, which was evidently in poor condition even before this morning’s action.