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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cattle run

Cattle \Cat"tle\ (k[a^]t"t'l), n. pl. [OE. calet, chatel, goods, property, OF. catel, chatel, LL. captale, capitale, goods, property, esp. cattle, fr. L. capitals relating to the head, chief; because in early ages beasts constituted the chief part of a man's property. See Capital, and cf. Chattel.] Quadrupeds of the Bovine family; sometimes, also, including all domestic quadrupeds, as sheep, goats, horses, mules, asses, and swine.

Belted cattle, Black cattle. See under Belted, Black.

Cattle guard, a trench under a railroad track and alongside a crossing (as of a public highway). It is intended to prevent cattle from getting upon the track.

cattle louse (Zo["o]l.), any species of louse infecting cattle. There are several species. The H[ae]matatopinus eurysternus and H[ae]matatopinus vituli are common species which suck blood; Trichodectes scalaris eats the hair.

Cattle plague, the rinderpest; called also Russian cattle plague.

Cattle range, or Cattle run, an open space through which cattle may run or range. [U. S.]

Cattle show, an exhibition of domestic animals with prizes for the encouragement of stock breeding; -- usually accompanied with the exhibition of other agricultural and domestic products and of implements.

Usage examples of "cattle run".

I just figure he aims to keep us this side of the cap-rock, no matter whose cattle run up yonder.

And when two thousand head of cattle run over a man, they dont leave much to bury.

I let the cattle run there a few weeks, then move them to another pasture and let this grow back.

They said I was crazy then, but now my cattle run these hills and they eat this valley grass until their sides are fit to bust.

That army, like a herd of cattle run wild and trampling underfoot the provender which might have saved it from starvation, disintegrated and perished with each additional day it remained in Moscow.

And they fell to wondering how a man could live in the hot terrible Plains where the cattle run as big as elephants, unfit to plough on a hillside.

It was but a short time after Stomper's coronation that Frito, still in his tattered elvin-cloak, wearily trod the familiar cattle run to Bug End.