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n. (plural of catling English)

Usage examples of "catlings".

To one sitte there lay the grim saws, retractors, tenacula, scalpels, bistouries (sharp and blunt-pointed), forceps, trephines, single-edged amputating knives and catlings, arranged with loving care by Poll and her friend the bosun's wife's sister, both of whom wore starched aprons, bibs and sleeves, and white caps.

To one sitte there lay the grim saws, retractors, tenacula, scalpels, bistouries (sharp and blunt-pointed), forceps, trephines, single-edged amputating knives and catlings, arranged with loving care by Poll and her friend the bosun’s wife’s sister, both of whom wore starched aprons, bibs and sleeves, and white caps.

Clouds of chaff surrounded the carrier as the Catlings continued to track and fire, track and fire and fire and fire.

He swallowed the remaining grouts and hurried down to the orlop, where he found Poll and Harris, the ship's butcher: seamen had already lashed chests together to form two operating tables and Poll was making fast the covers of number eight sailcloth with a practised hand - she had already laid out a selection of saws, catlings, clamps, tourniquets, leather-covered chains, dressings, splints.

The guns were radar controlled, the Catlings used more as a last-ditch antimissile weapon.

An array of grim saws, retractors, scalpels, forceps, trephines, catlings and other mysterious torture instruments were arranged with loving care by Mrs.