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n. (plural of catkin English)

Usage examples of "catkins".

There was always something to be picked at different times of the year, cowslips not butter cups or daisies, they were too common catkins, wood anemones, ferns, bluebells and may, beautiful scented white may.

Our yellow goslings in spring, as they shoot from their silver rabbit-tail catkins, and our palms on Palm Sunday, though it is unlucky to bring one home earlier.

I looked at an alder, laden with brown catkins, its blunt foliage stained with innumerable shades of lovely colour.

Tookhees the wood mouse was there, running over the bush, evidently for the black catkins which still clung to the tips.

On leaving the church of Saint Fiacre in Horto after the papal blessing the happy pair were subjected to a playful crossfire of hazelnuts, beechmast, bayleaves, catkins of willow, ivytod, hollyberries, mistletoe sprigs and quicken shoots.

It's all right in the country--primroses and catkins and the first daffodils and lambs.

Horsey, horsey catkins,'' snarled Hoskins desperately searching for a pseudonym that would deceive anyone listening in on the switchboard.