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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Catheterize \Cath"e*ter*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Catheterized; p. pr. & vb. n. Catheterizing.] (Med.) To operate on with a catheter.


vb. To introduce a catheter into part of the body.


v. insert a catheter into (a body part); "cathererize the patient's bladder" [syn: catheterise]

Usage examples of "catheterize".

It also gave her a strong appreciation for what Germaine went through when Marcus catheterized him.

He was simultaneously being examined by the orthopedic surgeons, having intravenous lines inserted in both arms, having blood samples drawn, being catheterized, and being questioned by the resident, who stood at his head and shouted in order to be heard over the noise of the people working around him.

Every-thing was bedded in gauze and bandage, though, and catheterized, so it would feel strange even to a normal person.

His penis would be catheterized as well, but that would be done after he was unconscious to minimize the discomfort.

Thom was busy rolling his boss-the maneuver helped keep his lungs clear-and then catheterizing Rhyme's bladder, which had to be done every five or six hours.

I looked in to make sure she was not actually being perfused or catheterized or fed.