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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cater-cornered \Ca"ter-cor`nered\, a. [Cf. Cater to cut diagonally.] Diagonal. [Colloq.]


a. (context US English) cater-corner


adj. slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line; "set off in a catty-corner direction across the vacant lot" [syn: catacorner, cata-cornered, catercorner, catty-corner, catty-cornered, kitty-corner, kitty-cornered]

Usage examples of "cater-cornered".

Doors, slightly ajar on either side of the lounge, showed sleeping accommodations but there were two doors in front of them that were not open, and one set cater-cornered on the left-hand side.

A sign ahead of them and cater-cornered across from the stage station told them that here was the National Saloon.