The (referred to in the film as ねこのバス, Neko no basu) is a character in the Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It is a large creature, depicted as a grinning, twelve legged cat with a hollow body that serves as a bus, complete with windows and seats coated with fur,and a large, bushy tail. The character's popularity has led to its use in a spinoff film, toys for children, an art car, and being featured in the Ghibli Museum, among other products and influences.
Catbus (disambiguation)
Catbus is a character in the film My Neighbor Totoro. The term can also refer to:
- Capital Area Transit (Raleigh), public transportation in Raleigh, North Carolina
- Capital Area Transit (Harrisburg), public transportation system in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Clemson Area Transit, Clemson, South Carolina's transit system, also known as CATbus
- Perth Central Area Transit, Perth (Australia), Central Area Transit (CAT Bus)