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n. (plural of catamite English)

Usage examples of "catamites".

The reason for all these vehicles was the vast number of his procurers and bawds, harlots, catamites and lusty partners in depravity.

Afterwards he invited to a similar gathering procurers, catamites collected together from all sides, and lascivious boys and young men.

And whereas he had appeared before the harlots in a woman's costume and with protruding bosom, he met the catamites in the garb of a boy who is exposed for prostitution.

He gave an order, too, that an amount of public grain equal to one year's tribute should be given to all the harlots, procurers, and catamites who were within the walls, and promised an equal amount to those without, for, thanks to the foresight of Severus and Trajan, there was in Rome at that time a store of grain equal to seven years' tribute.