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CatalunyaCaixa is the trading name of Catalunya Banc S.A., a Spanish bank with headquarters in Barcelona and owned by BBVA. Its area of influence is located mainly at Catalonia. It is the fourth largest savings bank in Spain in terms of consolidated assets, with €81.020 billions.

It was founded on 1 July 2010 by the fusion of Caixa Catalunya, Caixa Tarragona and Caixa Manresa. The new savings bank has 1212 branches and over 4 million customers.

During 2011 and 2012 Catalunya Caixa received a total of €12.052 billion capital investment from FROB (Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring, Spanish: Fondo de reestructuración ordenada bancaria) of the Spanish government which resulted in nationalisation of the bank.

In 2015 Catalunya Caixa was purchased by Spanish banking group BBVA for a total of €1.187 billion.