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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Castilleia coccinea

Painted \Paint"ed\, a.

  1. Covered or adorned with paint; portrayed in colors.

    As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean.

  2. (Nat. Hist.) Marked with bright colors; as, the painted turtle; painted bunting.

    Painted beauty (Zo["o]l.), a handsome American butterfly ( Vanessa Huntera), having a variety of bright colors,

    Painted cup (Bot.), any plant of an American genus of herbs ( Castilleia) in which the bracts are usually bright-colored and more showy than the flowers. Castilleia coccinea has brilliantly scarlet bracts, and is common in meadows.

    Painted finch. See Nonpareil.

    Painted lady (Zo["o]l.), a bright-colored butterfly. See Thistle butterfly.

    Painted turtle (Zo["o]l.), a common American freshwater tortoise ( Chrysemys picta), having bright red and yellow markings beneath.