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a. Cooked in a casserole.

Usage examples of "casseroled".

Urquhart is very partial to a casseroled chicken, he says as there’s more flavour to ’em that way, and I dunno but what he’s right.

Bunter, judicially, “the vegetables well packed in layers, on a foundation of bacon, not too fat, and the whole well seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika, there are few dishes to beat a casseroled chicken.

There’s the sherry, poured out by the maid from the original bottle, the soup, fish and casseroled chicken — so impossible to poison in one portion without poisoning the whole — the omelette, so ostentatiously prepared at the table by the hands of the victim — the wine, sealed up and marked — the remnants consumed in the kitchen — you would think the man had gone out of his way to construct a suspicion-proof meal.

Rice, broomcorn, early wheat mixed with millet, Ribs of fatted ox, tender and succulent, Stewed turtle and roast kid, served with sauce of yams, Geese cooked in sour and bitter, casseroled duck, fried flesh of the great crane, Braised chicken, tortoise seethed in soup of Wu, Fried honey cakes and malt-sugar sweetmeats, And jadelike wine, honey-flavored, fills your cup, Strained of impurities, cool and refreshing.

To be revenged on her brothers, she murdered these children herself and had them casseroled and served to her husband.

Norton Fox and Victor Roncey were eating lunch when I arrived at the stables, and I found it impossible to instil into either of them enough of a feeling for urgency to get them to leave their casseroled beef.

Earth-human vital organs don’t take kindly to being casseroled in their own juices.