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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cartridge paper
▪ Charcoal-grey cartridge paper should provide a cheap, readily available background, but the situation must be reviewed.
▪ Daler-Rowney has launched a new, heavyweight cartridge paper, which is acid-free and available in a selection of sizes.
▪ I have omitted the address and telephone number Take an imperial sheet of cartridge paper and a small roll of gummed tape.
▪ Mechanical woodpulp is acidic and is used for the cheapest types of paper like newsprint or certain types of cartridge paper.
▪ The cartridge paper will be adopted for the present, but the situation will be reviewed.
▪ The charcoal-grey cartridge paper had not been introduced at this stage.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cartridge paper

Cartridge \Car"tridge\ (k[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [Formerly cartrage, corrupted fr. F. cartouche. See Cartouch.] (Mil.) A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard, or other material. Ball cartridge, a cartridge containing a projectile. Blank cartridge, a cartridge without a projectile. Center-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate occupies an axial position usually in the center of the base of the capsule, instead of being contained in its rim. In the Prussian needle gun the fulminate is applied to the middle of the base of the bullet. Rim-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate is contained in a rim surrounding its base. Cartridge bag, a bag of woolen cloth, to hold a charge for a cannon. Cartridge belt, a belt having pockets for cartridges. Cartridge box, a case, usually of leather, attached to a belt or strap, for holding cartridges. Cartridge paper.

  1. A thick stout paper for inclosing cartridges.

  2. A rough tinted paper used for covering walls, and also for making drawings upon.

cartridge paper
  1. n. thick white paper for pencil and ink drawings

  2. paper for making cartridge cases

Cartridge paper

Cartridge paper is a high quality type of heavy paper used for illustration and drawing. Paper of this type was originally used for making paper cartridges for firearms.

Usage examples of "cartridge paper".

Hendrick opened the flap and, one at a time, lifted out the small packages of brown cartridge paper and laid them on the hard bare earth of the yard, fourteen in a row.

They poured the remainder of their cartridges' powder down their musket barrels, stuffed the cartridge paper after the powder, then took the balls from their mouths and pushed them into the muzzles.

Men bit bullets from the tip of waxed paper cartridges, poured the powder into their musket barrels, wadded the powder with the cartridge paper, spat the bullets after, then rammed down hard with their ramrods.

He poured the rest of the cartridge's powder into the muzzle, crammed the empty waxed cartridge paper on top of the powder to serve as wadding, then bent his head to spit the bullet into the gun.

Dell Mir had recognized instantly that those very qualities made flashplant leaves almost ideal as a cartridge paper substitute.

Some were on cartridge paper, some on pages torn from what looked like school exercise books, and some on folded, green-lined computer print-out.

After five hours the artist had a sheet of the finest cartridge paper on which was an exact colored picture of the desk then sitting in the office of Herr Wolfgang Gemü.