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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cartridge belt

Cartridge \Car"tridge\ (k[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [Formerly cartrage, corrupted fr. F. cartouche. See Cartouch.] (Mil.) A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard, or other material. Ball cartridge, a cartridge containing a projectile. Blank cartridge, a cartridge without a projectile. Center-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate occupies an axial position usually in the center of the base of the capsule, instead of being contained in its rim. In the Prussian needle gun the fulminate is applied to the middle of the base of the bullet. Rim-fire cartridge, a cartridge in which the fulminate is contained in a rim surrounding its base. Cartridge bag, a bag of woolen cloth, to hold a charge for a cannon. Cartridge belt, a belt having pockets for cartridges. Cartridge box, a case, usually of leather, attached to a belt or strap, for holding cartridges. Cartridge paper.

  1. A thick stout paper for inclosing cartridges.

  2. A rough tinted paper used for covering walls, and also for making drawings upon.

cartridge belt

n. a broad belt with loops or pockets for holding ammunition

Cartridge belt

Cartridge belt may refer to:

  • Belt (firearm), a belt for automatic feeding of ammunition ito a firearm
  • Bandolier, a wearable belt with pockets for cartridges

Usage examples of "cartridge belt".

He had put an old cartridge belt under the seat, and he'd managed to wrestle the covered coal bin into the wagon without smudging his militia winter parka.

He refilled my cartridge belt, and broke out a box of forty-fours.

Alucius had strapped a cartridge belt over his nightsilk herders' vest.

He had looped a cartridge belt around his neck as a sling, and the arm was supported partly by the belt and partly by the black japanned despatch case strapped to the pommel of his saddle.

There were two things wrong with going out wearing a cartridge belt and bayonet, he decided in the end.

He opened the breech to check that there were soft-nosed mushrooming bullets in the magazine, then filled the loops on his cartridge belt from a fresh packet.

I checked to make sure the smoke grenades were securely fastened to my cartridge belt, and for what must have been the tenth time, went over the plan for securing the LZ: the nose of the helicopters will be 12 o’.

He was loaded down with three Springfield rifles, three steel helmets, and three sets of web equipment, each consisting of a cartridge belt, a canteen, a first-aid pouch, and a bayonet in a scabbard.

When she was still unmarried, during the 1866 rising, she too had put on a cartridge belt, taken a musket and fought to keep the Turks from trampling her village.

The pistol clicks on an empty chamber, and Berfir looks down at the empty cartridge belt.

He was wearing a loincloth, a bone in his nose, and a web cartridge belt around his neck, and he was carrying a British Lee-Enfield MK III.

I remember you made a sling from your cartridge belt, and carried me on your hip.