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vb. (en-past of: cartoon)

Usage examples of "cartooned".

Argus hastily cartooned the trees around the clearing, the better to peer through them at more light-bouncing sky.

Exchanged words appeared in carelessly drawn shapes over the heads of the cartooned heroines.

They said she was a Western bumpkin, wife of a man amusingly cartooned as a baboon, incapable of entertaining in high style.

Now his forehead was bulbous like a cartooned intellectual’s, his mouth little and prim and cruel.

This was America, the America cartooned by British wits, and it repelled her.

It had been much easier to think about what the dwarves had said, and even what the cartooned outlines of the picture on the tambour frame had shown.

He stared at the cartooned demon on the can of deviled ham and smiled.

Children who finger-painted or cartooned frontispieces or rattled their roller skates.