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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Carp \Carp\ (k[aum]rp), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Carped (k[aum]rpt); p. pr. & vb. n. Carping.] [OE. carpen to say, speak; from Scand. (cf. Icel. karpa to boast), but influenced later by L. carpere to pluck, calumniate.]

  1. To talk; to speak; to prattle. [Obs.]

  2. To find fault; to cavil; to censure words or actions without reason or ill-naturedly; -- usually followed by at.

    Carping and caviling at faults of manner.
    --Blackw. Mag.

    And at my actions carp or catch.


vb. (en-past of: carp)

Usage examples of "carped".

Before the North Koreans were caught violating the 1994 "peace" agreement, the Los Angeles Times had carped about the use of force against Iraq, warning that it might "spring open a Pandora's box of aggression" and calling the resolution authorizing force "The Wrong Resolution.

Mitchell carped that Bush had provoked the North Koreans, saying, "We did isolate them, and we didn't continue the missile talks.

Olga had carped at the kid, what time Olga had had time, till it was a wonder the kid was sane, in between which the kid had been totally on her own with the azi.