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n. (alternative spelling of car park English)

Usage examples of "carpark".

Walking to the carpark, he found himself searching the faces of passing students for any signs of a son or a daughter.

The chapel had its own carpark, and this was already full of Plymouths and Oldsmobiles.

Caroline strolled by the whelk stalls and across the carpark, through an odour of frying doughnuts, chips and fierce fish.

They hesitated for a moment at the entrance to the community hall, but then Starling said something, and they turned away, heading toward the compound gate and the carpark beyond.

He released the brake, and moved off across the carpark and up to the highway.

American dream and she shouted with delight as, with tyres screeching and Bruce pumping, Jack pulled out of the carpark and onto the road.

This, considering that the hotel was really just a large carpark with a leisure complex, conference centre and executive miniature golf course attached, Jack found very touching.

I drove it straight round the corner and installed it in a costly carpark on Lexington and Forty-Third.

I jogged through the furnace of the carpark, where the Tomahawks and Boomerangs all took it in the face, hating the heat, hating the hate.

And anyway the carpark and its actors had seemed to occupy no more than ten per cent of his reality.

He crested the hill and looked down on the wet rooftops of the town, the ashen carparks, the hideous plasticky shopping centre and the inhospitable moorland that butted against the new estate beyond.

The tanker turned up every time abandoned in Scotland in transport cafe carparks, but always with so many extra miles on the clock that it could have been driven as far as London or Cardiff and back.

He lighted himself a White Owl, better than Robert Burns though not much, he had been recommended to try Muriel but he had once known a girl called Muriel, and he looked through the great window at the dusking carpark.

Once she had landed at Charles de Gaulle she was to pick up Karima Saib's luggage from the carousel and get herself to the VIP carpark.