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n. (plural of carnosaur English)

Usage examples of "carnosaurs".

Tremendous size, dwarfing Set's fighting carnosaurs that we had seen in Paradise.

Sure enough, a pair of two-legged carnosaurs splashed into the stream from the other side.

The carnosaurs huffed and snorted, jinked up and down on their hind legs, looked the situation over.

Something deep in my mind recalled that I had killed Set's carnosaurs in the Neolithic with not much more than bare hands.

Still we saw the clawed tracks of carnosaurs, most of them considerably smaller than tyrants, although there were plenty of tyrannosaur tracks as well.

All the horses panicked at the sight of these fierce, terrifying carnosaurs dashing toward them.

They pursued the carnosaurs, pumping more arrows into them until the animals slowed, gasping and hissing, and turned to face their tormentors.

Once they spotted me they unslung the devices and, clutching them in both hands like rifles, urged their two-legged carnosaurs into a trotting pace.

The fierce two-legged carnosaurs, directed mentally by their riders, continued to trot toward me.

I broadcast mentally to the carnosaurs the image of devouring the Shaydanians, but they seemed more interested in the immense sauropods—their natural prey.

I knew he had transported dinosaurs from the Mesozoic Age to this time and place: the giant lizards and fighting dragons I had met earlier were sauropods and carnosaurs from the Cretaceous.

By now the rest of Subotai's thousand were in arrow's range and all the carnosaurs were under relentless attack.

As they fired at the milling, screeching carnosaurs I jumped atop one of the riderless horses and followed Subotai as he rejoined his men.

Then came the coup de grace: Mongol lancers charged the weakened, slowed carnosaurs on their sinewy little ponies, a dozen scarred dark-skinned St.

I mentally called one of the carnosaurs back to me and mounted it for the trip back to the fortress by the Nile.