Crossword clues for carnet
n. (context legal English) A customs document that allows the temporary duty-free importation of a particular article
A carnet may refer to:
in international law:
- A document allowing the importation of certain goods to countries without paying customs duty. Three types exist:
- ATA Carnet, for temporary importation of goods and equipment
- Carnet de Passages en Douane, for motor vehicles
- TIR Carnet, to simplify administrative formalities of transit commercial goods carried by international road transport
Usage examples of "carnet".
First you suggested a carnet for the van, then Czech visas, then at Siegburg you started talking about coming straight into Slovakia, here, to the Tatras.
I'll have to consult my carnet de bal, but it is possible that I can accommodate you.
Un tesoro que la distracción del poeta arrumbara en el sótano: cuatrocientos noventa y siete ejemplares de la obra agotada El carnet de un gaucho.
However, a combination of diplomatic indignation (they were carrying diplomatic passports and carnets issued by the Portuguese Foreign Ministry identifying them as diplomats attached to the German Embassy), Cranz's charm, and a small gift of cash got them through the locked doors fifteen minutes before the Condor landed.