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n. The provision of healthcare services

Usage examples of "caregiving".

They need to examine the track record of the person being considered to ensure that both character and competence are present and the person can pass the “smell test”—the sense of intuition and inspiration that parents can get regarding caregiving for their children.

Thom was the only one of Rhyme's caregiving aides who'd survived more than a few months in the service of the criminalist.

The Shepherd whom Dylan knew from twenty years of brotherhood and from ten years of daily caregiving was childlike, perhaps with all his faculties intact, but lacking the competency to apply them in any consistent fashion.

But the caregiving mind was there with her soulmortar and balm, guiding his psychoenergies into the channels prepared by Elizabeth.

One of the things that amazed her about Magnus was how he took on certain caregiving tasks without ever questioning whether it was masculine or not.

I encountered so many doctors and nurses, and I finally decided that caregiving was the direction I wanted to take my life.