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a. (obsolete spelling of careful English)

Usage examples of "carefull".

And suddenly after, the Theeves returned home carefull and heavy, bringing no burthens with them, no not so much as traffe or baggage, save only a maiden, that seemed by her habit to be some gentlewoman borne, and the daughter of some worthy matron of that country, who was so fair and beautiful, that though I were an Asse, yet I had a great affection for her.

Remember the Oracle of Apollo, who pronounced that thou shouldest he married to a dire and fierce Serpent, and many of the Inhabitants hereby, and such as hunt about in the countrey, affirme that thev saw him yesternight returning from pasture and swimming over the River, whereby they doe undoubtedly say, that hee will not pamper thee long with delicate meats, but when the time of delivery shall approach he will devoure both thee and thy child : wherefore advise thy selfe whether thou wilt agree unto us that are carefull of thy safety, and so avoid the perill of death, bee contented to live with thy sisters, or whether thou remaine with the Serpent arid in the end be swallowed into the gulfe of his body.

And therewithall shee willed secretly the residue to depart : who being gone she sayd, My most deare Cousin Lucius, I do sweare by the goddesse Diana, that I doe greatly tender your safety, and am as carefull for you as if you were myne owne naturall childe, beware I say, beware of the evil arts and wicked allurements of that Pamphiles who is the wife of Milo, whom you call your Host, for she is accounted the most chief and principall Magitian and Enchantresse living, who by breathing out certain words and charmes over bowes, stones and other frivolous things, can throw down all the powers of the heavens into the deep bottome of hell, and reduce all the whole world againe to the old Chaos.

Then he desired to see her, whereupon the Gentlewoman was brought forth fast bound, whom as soone as he beheld, he turned himselfe wringing his nose, and blamed them saying : I am not so much a beast, or so rash a fellow to drive you quite from your purpose, but my conscience will not suffer me to conceale any thing that toucheth your profit, since I am as carefull for you, howbeit if my counsell doe displease you, you may at your liberty proceed in your enterprise.

Wherefore I was more carefull for the safeguard of my life, then for the shame that I should abide, but in the meane season while my master made ready the bed, all the residue did greatly delight to see the hunting and pleasantnesse of the triumph, I began to thinke and devise for my selfe.

Gods in heaven, and so departed away : When Barbarus was gone, Myrmex being greatly astonied of his masters threatnings, would not suffer his mistresse to goe abroad, but as she sate all day a Spinning, he was so carefull that he sate by her.

Wherein his weaker wandring steps to guide,An auncient matrone she to her does call,Whose sober lookes her wisedome well descride:Her name was Mercie, well knowne ouer all,To be both gratious, and eke liberall:To whom the carefull charge of him she gaue,To lead aright, that he should neuer fallIn all his wayes through this wide worldes waue,That Mercy in the end his righteous soule might saue.

Whiles thus they strugled in that idle waue,And stroue in vaine, the one himselfe to drowne,The other both from drowning for to saue,Lo, to that shore one in an auncient gowne,Whose hoarie locks great grauitie did crowne,Holding in hand a goodly arming sword,By fortune came, led with the troublous sowne:Where drenched deepe he found in that dull fordThe carefull seruant, striuing with his raging Lord.

When to the place they came, where ArtegallBy that same carefull Squire did then abide,He gently gan him to demaund of all,That did betwixt him and that Squire betide.

But Florimell her selfe was farre away,Driuen to great distresse by Fortune straunge,And taught the carefull Mariner to play,Sith late mischaunce had her compeld to chaungeThe land for sea, at randon there to raunge:Yet there that cruell Queene auengeresse,Not satisfide so farre her to estraungeFrom courtly blisse and wonted happinesse,Did heape on her new waues of weary wretchednesse.

The godly Matrone by the hand him bearesForth from her presence, by a narrow way,Scattred with bushy thornes, and ragged breares,Which still before him she remou'd away,That nothing might his ready passage stay:And euer when his feet encombred were,Or gan to shrinke, or from the right to stray,She held him fast, and firmely did vpbeare,As carefull Nourse her child from falling oft does reare.

Lawrence Selden, he was always one of the carefullest: burnt his letters in winter, and tore 'em in little bits in summer.

Whom thus recouer'd by wise Patience,And trew Repentance they to Vna brought:Who ioyous of his cured conscience,Him dearely kist, and fairely eke besoughtHimselfe to chearish, and consuming thoughtTo put away out of his carefull brest.