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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
career break
▪ His next big career break came about almost by accident.
▪ I took up a position in a university library after a career break.
▪ It has been written to meet the needs of those returning to work after a career break.
▪ It is vital that the education system should attract back women who have taken a career break to raise a family.
career break

n. A period of time when one chooses not to have a job, for example because he wants to travel or look after his children.

Career break

A career break is a period of time out from employment. Traditionally, this is for women to raise children, but it is sometimes used for people taking time out of their career for personal development and/or professional development.

Usage examples of "career break".

He had just retired Captain Avenger from service and lost a chance at a fantastic career break, and he didn't feel good about either move.