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n. (plural of cardplayer English)

Usage examples of "cardplayers".

George set up their controls they obediently arranged themselves in the center of the floor, facing one another like four cardplayers looking across a large square table.

It seems from what Schultz says that after Kunz returns to Germany, he misses his gin rummy no little as the game is practically unknown in his country where cardplayers generally favor pinochle or maybe klabriasch.

With their plumed hats and embroidered jackets and flashy pants, the cardplayers were a sharp contrast to the six guards in plain green and gold.

He comes from the city of Providence which is in Rhode Island, and of course it is well known to one and all that for generations Providence produces wonderful cardplayers, and in his childhood The Lacework Kid has the advantage of studying under the best minds there, and afterward improves his education in this respect by much travel.

Bith ceased his noodling and the Twi'lek women and the cardplayers turned in unison.