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cardiac massage

n. an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or, during surgery, directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest [syn: heart massage]

Usage examples of "cardiac massage".

Immediately he began external cardiac massage by putting his hands together and pumping on Becky's frail chest.

Immediately he began external cardiac massage by putting his hands together and pumping on Becky’.

He had suffered a cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital and closed cardiac massage was being given by a nurse, the first per­.

Rose quickly had the emergency paged over the loudspeaker while Trudy got the sturdy two-by-three-foot board used for support under a patient during cardiac massage.

Thomas, was standing on a chair giving the patient cardiac massage.

The medics had rolled him, smothered the flames and started with cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth within ten seconds.