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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cardamon \cardamon\ n. same as cardamom.


n. (alternative spelling of cardamom English)

  1. n. rhizomatous herb of India having aromatic seeds used as seasoning [syn: cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum]

  2. aromatic seeds used as seasoning like cinnamon and cloves especially in pickles and barbecue sauces [syn: cardamom, cardamum]

Usage examples of "cardamon".

Rich aromas of onion, fenugreek, nutmeg, and cardamon hung over it like a steamy cloud.

Paul Crouch had something to do with tobacco promoting Formula One cars and Ronny Raul was a food scientist at US Abstract Foods Corporation on the Banbury ring road, whose factory would fill the air for miles around with the smell of whatever they were concocting that day, nutmeg and cinnamon, coffee and cardamon, saffron and chocolate, the smells of the Damascus souk amongst the tilting roadsigns and squashed-flat rabbit corpses of the A316.

A group of coffee-bar regulars, townsmen who stopped to sample her special blend and her cardamon or poppy-seed rolls before they went to play golf at Bogey Wells, arrived before the coffee finished perking.

He was dealing with the effect of cardamon in all its varieties when he became aware of a silence all along the table and of the Admiral at its head, clearly poised to make an announcement.

It made the bitter smell of cardamon and gum arabic rising up from the coffee almost pleasant.

Farr noticed suddenly that she was far prettier than he had let himself observe, that she wore a perfume of indefinable sweetness: aloes, cardamon, limone.

For in it grow camphor, cubebs, cardamons, nutmegs, and many other precious spices.

Perhaps that water has the flavor of (let us say) glycyrrhizin, or cardamon, or even of pepper.