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card sharp

n. a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games [syn: cardsharp, cardsharper, card sharper, card shark]

Card sharp

A card sharp (also cardsharp, card shark or cardshark, sometimes hyphenated) is a person who uses skill and/or deception to win at poker or other card games. "Sharp" and "shark" spellings have varied over time and by region.

The label is not always intended as pejorative, and is sometimes used to refer to practitioners of card tricks for entertainment purposes. In general usage, principally in American English and more commonly with the "shark" spelling, the term has also taken on the meaning of an expert card gambler who takes advantage of less-skilled players, also called an advantage player, without any implication of actual cheating at cards, in much the same way that "" or " pool hustler" can (especially when used by non-players) be intended to refer to a skilled player rather than a cheater or swindler.

A card sharp or shark (by either of the gambling-related definitions) may be a " rounder" who travels, seeking out high-stakes games in which to gamble.

Usage examples of "card sharp".

Wardlaw Browne aside immediately after we came out of the card room, it was his intention to-to denounce me as a card sharp.

Call suspected him of being a card sharp, but if so he was a careful card sharp.

After spending a month or two in ZeeZees company, however, Han was pretty sure that Mako, an experienced card sharp, had cooked that deck to make sure he lost.

The phrase 'card sharp' had never reached her side of the Ramtops, where people were friendly and direct and, should they encounter a professional cheat, tended to nail his hand to the table in an easy and outgoing manner without asking him what he called himself.