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n. Any of several shrubs or small trees, of the genus (taxlink Caragana genus noshow=1), that often have golden flowers


n. any plant of the genus Caragana having even-pinnate leaves and mostly yellow flowers followed by seeds in a linear pod [syn: pea tree]


Caragana is a genus of about 80–100 species of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae, native to Asia and eastern Europe.

They are shrubs or small trees growing tall. They have even-pinnate leaves with small leaflets, and solitary or clustered mostly yellow (rarely white or pink) flowers and bearing seeds in a linear pod.

Caragana species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Dark Dagger.

Usage examples of "caragana".

The hedge, a Caragana, would be pretty in bloom in a couple of months, but until then the pillar and the hedge together made the place look haunted.

The Caragana hedge that had bordered the front yard wound its way around to the back on both sides.

Snow had begun to layer delightfully over the barren, sharp branches of the Caragana bush, making it look distinctly different from all the other ways she had seen it.

The road to the bale shed was sheltered by a high, densely overgrown caragana hedge, and when he came around the end of it, he saw the familiar midnight blue rig backed up to the big doors at the south end of the arena.

The sun still dappled through the branches of the huge old poplars the way it always had, and the hedges of caragana and lilac and cotoneaster were just as familiar.

Mud pies decorated with caragana pods, the broken crockery and rusty spoons they had collected, the wooden boxes wedged between the tree trunks for cupboards.

In a desperate at tempt to avert tragedy, Keeley followed her sister across the churchyard and into the Caragana hedge.

In a desperate attempt to avert tragedy, Keeley followed her sister across the churchyard and into the Caragana hedge.

The hedge, a Caragana, would be pretty in bloom in a couple of months, but until then the pillar and the hedge together made the place look haunted.

The road to the bale shed was sheltered by a high, densely overgrown caragana hedge, and when he came around the end of it, he saw the familiar midnight blue rig backed up to the big doors at the south end of the arena.