n. a factory where automobiles are manufactured [syn: automobile factory, auto factory]
Usage examples of "car factory".
The zoo hadn't started with the bison, though, but with a pair of red deer, given by the director of the railroad car factory.
There was a second group of Dusters in Neufahrwasser, led by high school students but made up chiefly of apprentices at the Schichau shipyards and the railroad car factory.
But since the replicase is just a protein molecule like any other, the versatile protein-building machines of the bacterial cell can easily turn to building them, just as the machine tools in a car factory can quickly be turned over in time of war to making munitions: all they need is to be fed the right blueprints.
One birthday the drive looked like the end of a car factory production line.
If I was running a car factory, I wouldn't let workers drive the cars home or borrow tools.
One of the heads of the labor police at the railroad car factory was eating with us.
The parts a car factory needed were expensive, but the parts nanotech uses—.