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vb. (present participle of captain English)

Usage examples of "captaining".

For a moment, all the envy and bitterness returned, the irrational pique he’d felt when he first learned that Joshua existed, a usurper brother who was captaining the ship which was rightfully his.

captaining the Defiant, even when we take her out on a routine maintenance spin to see if her parts are in working order, is like I imagine captaining an old seafaring vessel would have been.

If he had any influence at all, and he did have--a nephew captaining the CISS Prometheus specifically--no matter what any one of these primitives said or did or claimed that the planet said or did, it would be mined of every ounce worth even a half credit.

He had, he told the enthralled Sorka, sailed all the seas and oceans of Earth during his leaves from captaining a merchantman on the Belt runs, and up as many rivers as were navigable: Nile, Thames, Amazon, Mississippi, St.

Whatever that indefinable quality was that made a man capable of captaining a ship, Brashen had it.

He, a thief, captaining thieves, drilling them into sailorly and warlike skills that would be of no use to them whatever when they went back to their old professions—ridiculous!

He had taken command of Vivacia, for he could not tolerate Jola captaining her.

Whoever was captaining it was skilled at using wind and oars to cut the distance whenever he had the chance.

The duties of captaining the ship, and of overseeing the training of the men for the coming battle, the time spent with Amos - all put him into a frame of mind that could only be called happy.

The dudes of captaining the ship, and of oversc training of the men for the coming battle, the time spentJ Amos—all put him into a frame of mind that could or called happy.

Scott took his duties very seriously, especially when captaining a boat as expensive as the one beneath his feet.

It was too nice a day, and he was captaining too fine a boat, to let the rudeness of his passenger ruin the moment.

Sulu, lucky devil, had his own ship now and was off somewhere captaining it.