Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
of news, etc., 1950, from capsule + -ize. Related: Capsulized; capsulizing.\n
vb. 1 To enclose (a medication etc) in a capsule. 2 To make into a concise form; to encapsulate.
Usage examples of "capsulize".
It must always be possible to say, "Did you read the story about --" and then capsulize what it was about.
It was Mary Andrea's habit to begin each morning with an update of entertainment and celebrity happenings, of which several were capsulized in The Missoulian.
One beefy man well over six feet tall, in an elegant cowboy hat, polished cowboy boots, a pin-striped suit and a western string tie, capsulizes the matter so: "I'm an unholy son of a bitch if those amazing fucking Jews haven't gone and fucking upstaged the Bicentennial!
But it is the extraordinary capsulizing of cosmic human experience on the stage and Wilder's profound belief in the value of the smallest event in our daily lives, as well as humanity's fumbling struggle to prevail, that make these plays endure.