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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Capsize \Cap*size"\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Capsized; p. pr. & vb. n. Capsizing.] [Cf. Sp. cabecear to nod, pitch, capuzar, chapuzar, to sink (a vessel) by the head; both fr. L. caput head.] To upset or overturn, as a vessel or other body.

But what if carrying sail capsize the boat?


vb. (en-past of: capsize)

Capsized (song)
  1. redirect Are You Serious (Andrew Bird album)
Capsized (video game)

Capsized is a science fiction-themed platform game with run and gun mechanics. It was developed by Alientrap. Capsized was released for Microsoft Windows on April 29, 2011 on Steam. The iOS version, called Capsized+, was available February 13, 2013, and published by IndiePub. The soundtrack is provided by Solar Fields; the ambient electronic music is from his 2009 album Movements.

Usage examples of "capsized".

The two whaleboats on the Essex's port side had disappeared beneath the waves, pressed underwater by the massive weight of the capsized ship.

They were no more than two boat lengths away when the Essex, with an appalling slosh and groan, capsized behind them.

Pollard stood at the steering oar, staring at the capsized hulk that had once been his formidable command, unable to speak.

Besides, if one of the boats either capsized or became unrepairable, there was lit­tle the other crews could do.

Yarbro shouted, and a rain of arrows struck the river around the capsized boat.

This was to prevent being capsized should a wave appear at short notice.

Marvin and one of the accountants tore down a double-sized door to use as a raft, but their combined weight was too much and it capsized several times, dumping them into the flood.

Russian ships rescued sailors from capsized vessels in the North Atlantic.

Its surface was littered with snocles, either capsized into the cracks or stranded on larger blocks of ice.

The previous day’s news, that Jim Keroon’s convoy, sailing past Boca, had been caught in a sudden tropical storm that capsized nine craft, had seemed almost inconsequential.

Once they overran the upturned hull of a capsized ship, feeling the grind as their keel sliced across the plastic hull.

As the huge shape, bigger than anything living in the world, crashed back to the water, another longship capsized from the monstrous waves.

Scarlet's eyes moved quickly over Pauline's complaints about the folly of Scarlett's travelling after her ordeal when the boat capsized and about Scarlett's "unnatural reticence" in not telling her aunts that she'd been in the accident.