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n. (plural of caprine English)

Usage examples of "caprines".

But when the Caprines are in turn ambushed by the Swine, the Felines will ambush the Swine in a countertrap.

It will not pay us to let the Caprines take the flag in by themselves.

Cat saw the Caprines marching innocently into it, with the two Humans.

The Caprines came within sight of the starting line, which was now the finish line, without event.

If the villagers see you go with the dragon, and come back with the Caprines, they'll know the dragon can be trusted when I'm not around.

We Caprines were to be the lead, but Goat's injury makes us secondary until it heals.

If we remain here too long, injured Goat will recover, and the Caprines will resume their position as the primary team to accompany us.

We learned of this when we trained with the Caprines, and came to respect them.

The Caprines could not make a formal protest, because the Swine are favored by the Emperor.

The Caprines and human nulls will take our places here on Chains, and continue the good work.

The officials of DoOon just didn't think there would be another young woman with our party, or that we'd ask to have the Caprines here.

The Caprines and Human nulls would continue the conversion of dragon relations, and be allowed any social relations they wished.

The three Caprines and four Human nulls with whom we interacted will be left there without interference.

As I understand it, the DoOon anchor is multiple-person: the three Felines, the three Caprines, and perhaps four humans we don't know about.

We Felines made a deal with the Caprines, to support each other and not to betray each other, and we honored that, but we never anticipated this pass of events.