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CapMan Group, founded in 1989, is a Finnish private equity fund manager listed in Helsinki Stock Exchange. CapMan manages funds with capital raised mainly from European institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, endowments, family offices, funds of funds and public institutions.

CapMan's investment partnerships invest this capital further in Nordic and Russian companies and real estate.

CapMan has five key investment areas – Buyout, Real Estate, Russia and Credit and the associated company Norvestia.

CapMan's investment horizon is typically 3–6 years, after which the investment is usually listed on the stock exchange or sold to another company.

Altogether, CapMan employs around 100 professionals in Helsinki, Stockholm, Moscow, Luxembourg and London.

In 2014, during CapMan's 25th anniversary, a book called "Into the driver's seat - Stories about entrepreneurs and CapMan" was written by journalist Marko Erola from Talouselämä magazine.

CapMan became a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) in December 2012.