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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And, eventually, Pirenne capitulated with ill grace.
▪ Changes in the law and the social security system force everyone, female, male, old, young, to capitulate.
▪ In June 1176 Richard laid siege to Limoges; after a few days resistance Aimar's citadel capitulated.
▪ It was the first and last time that management capitulated in the face of a departing mortgage trader.
▪ On July 11, the police appeared to capitulate to unionist demands.
▪ So I suppose we are capitulating.
▪ When Wittikind and his warriors capitulated, the revolt began to collapse.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Capitulate \Ca*pit"u*late\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Capitulated; p. pr. & vb. n. Capitulating.] [LL. capitulatus, p. p. of capitulare to capitulate: cf. F. capituler. See Capitular, n.]

  1. To settle or draw up the heads or terms of an agreement, as in chapters or articles; to agree. [Obs.]

    There capitulates with the king . . . to take to wife his daughter Mary.

    There is no reason why the reducing of any agreement to certain heads or capitula should not be called to capitulate.

  2. To surrender on terms agreed upon (usually, drawn up under several heads); as, an army or a garrison capitulates.

    The Irish, after holding out a week, capitulated.


Capitulate \Ca*pit"u*late\, v. t. To surrender or transfer, as an army or a fortress, on certain conditions. [R.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1570s, "to draw up in chapters" (i.e., under "heads"), in part a back-formation from capitulation, in part from Medieval Latin capitulatus, past participle of capitulare "to draw up in heads or chapters, arrange conditions." Often of terms of surrender, hence meaning "to yield on stipulated terms" (1680s). Related: Capitulated; capitulating.


vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To draw up in chapters; to enumerate. 2 (context obsolete English) To draw up the articles of treaty with; to treat, bargain, parley. 3 To surrender; to end all resistance, to give up; to go along with or comply.


v. surrender under agreed conditions

Usage examples of "capitulate".

Their object, as a sharp, wiry artizan bellowed into my ear, was to force the Government to consent to the election of a Commune, in order that the Chassepots may be more fairly distributed between the bourgeois and the ouvriers, and that Paris shall no longer render itself ridiculous by waiting within its walls until its provisions are exhausted and it is forced to capitulate.

Bass, no matter what this High King avows his motives in besieging this city of Gaillminhthe high-royal personage avers only to receive from the King of Connachta his Symbol of Sovereignty, then to join his forces with those of the High King in peace and love and brotherhoodevery officer and man with whom I spoke in all that siege camp is expecting and eagerly anticipating, when once the city does fall or capitulate, a full and completely untrammeled intaking, a sack of the fullest nature.

Immediately after this exploit, the garrison of the Chartreux capitulated on honourable terms, and were conducted to Antwerp.

In 1757 the conqueror laid siege to the city of Pegu, which capitulated, on condition that their own king should govern the country, but that he should do homage for his kingdom, and should also surrender his daughter to the victorious monarch.

I had had to do so with other devotees who had loved me less than she, nevertheless, they had capitulated.

Caesar appeared leading six legions, the Senones crumbled, capitulating without a fight.

Cordelia was forced to capitulate and after that, for a time, the mermaids ignored Bronwyn and Jack, though they were rather more severe than before with Carole, insisting that she sing instead of whistle, if she were to be a proper mermaid, and endeavor to learn the bubbling language in which the mermaids spoke to Ollie and the other sea creatures, and master particular songs of calling in those languages.

The president of Empire Studies tried to convince it that he did not try it, but in spite of its requests and their reasonings, really did not have more remedy than to capitulate, as Zack hoped.

The moment Eularque Valeur was made to comprehend the mortal danger facing his siblings and his father, he capitulated.

When the thanes went down on their left knees, the Aedui capitulated and knelt too.

When it seemed that the Star Men would destroy the world utterly rather than capitulate, die magical device called the Sceptre of Power was created by the Archimagi-cal College to turn the Star Men's own terrible sorcery against them.

You don't understand, woman, even as we stand here talking, our Allies are rolling forward, eating up the German lines What I understand is that the milch cow has to be fed, and the cellars have to be mucked ouC While history passes me by, the comte capitulated ungraciously, and went muttering down to the cellar.

Unless you believe- Her red face folded into a ferocious scowl, and Garry capitulated nervously.

Colonel Franke capitulated nearly four years ago- I did not recognize Colonel Franke's right to surrender, Lothar interjected contemptuously.

She began to close the drawer again, and then capitulated to that overwhelming temptation.