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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Capitalize \Cap"i*tal*ize\ (k[a^]p"[i^]*tal*[imac]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Capitalized (k[a^]p"[i^]*tal*[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. Capitalizing.]

  1. To convert into capital, or to use as capital.

  2. To compute, appraise, or assess the capital value of (a patent right, an annuity, etc.)

  3. To print in capital letters, or with an initial capital.

  4. To supply capital for (an enterprise), especially by selling capital stock.


vb. (en-past of: capitalize)

Usage examples of "capitalized".

If, however, it is to be capitalized, the dots move to the next letter instead: Eä, Eö (as in Eärendil, Eönwë).

The word Menel is capitalized and apparently treated as a proper name, hence not requiring any article.

It seems that the names of the basic directions are treated as proper names, capitalized and not requiring the article.

By the closing months of 1921, in fact, other entrepreneurs had capitalized on Anderson's success by opening numerous hamburger stands on the streets of Wichita, and the competition was growing increasingly fierce.

The Saxes also capitalized on the burgeoning urban transportation systems by locating their restaurants near busy trolley and train stations.

Just as earlier entrepreneurs sought to replicate White Castle's booming success in the 1920s by creating similar White Towers, Royal Castles, or White Huts, in the 1960s and 1970s hundreds capitalized on the McDonald's and Burger King phenomenon by either purchasing costly franchises or starting their own chains.