n. (context music English) A type of instrumental composition based on multipart vocal settings of canzoni, produced chiefly in the 16th and 17th centuries
The canzona (It. plural canzone) is an instrumental musical form of the 16th and 17th centuries that developed from the Netherlandish chanson . It differed from the similar forms of ricercare and fantasia in its livelier, markedly rhythmic material and separation into distinct sections .
At first based on Franco-Flemish polyphonic songs (chansons), later independently composed, the instrumental canzonas, such as the brass canzonas of Giovanni Gabrieli and the keyboard canzonas of Girolamo Frescobaldi, influenced the fugue, and the ensemble canzonas were the direct ancestors of the 17th-century sonata da chiesa . In Italian, canzona literally means "song".
Usage examples of "canzona".
Michael Canzona, you're going to be responsible for coordinating the first four leaders' work, and you'll report to me, and if I die, you're my second in command and you'll take over.
Il tuo compleanno cade il ventitré aprile, e quando sei all'apice della passione tendi a canterellare a bocca chiusa la canzone dei Monkees I'm a believer.
Una spettrale donna in un assurdo elmetto d'argento con le ali di Mercurio in bassorilievo cantava sommessamente un'orribile canzone attraverso un amplificatore fatto in casa.
Appena finì la canzone, si sostituì a papà e, prima ancora che potessi dire di no, stavamo ballando.
Quando la canzone finì, presentai Marty a papà, Ollie Boon e Blair e di nuovo io e papà ci abbracciammo e ci baciammo a lungo e giurammo di rivederci a Los Angeles.
He played the guitar and sang pretty canzone from Zante, till they grew a little calmer.